Tuesday, January 8, 2008


You guys, I just waned to mention a lil story that happened on the way up here...we'd stopped at Popeye's for some food and Shaughnessy and I needed to use the restroom. This goes to show you how awesome and hilariously intelligent Shaughnessy is. She pranced into the bathroom, actually she was strutting like a man. You know, that shoulder dipping swagger they all have? Well, we shut the door, she marches over to the toilet paper dispenser and very primly drapes it all around the seat before launching herself up onto it!!!! THEN...as if THAT wasn't awesome enough, she got off, flushed with her foot, washed her hands, left the water running, and grabbed some paper towels to shut the water off with, and asked if I was ready. I was a little awestruck. That was the first time I'd ever seen her act like such an adult. But it was NOT the last!!! I'll give more details later (and more pictures) , but for now, I'm gonna hit the sack!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

First Two Days

Hello everyone!!! I'm all settled in here now for the most part! It's SO beautiful here in the mountains!!! The trees are just like the ones in Lufkin!!!! The house sets above all the others on the side of the mountain and in the mornings, you see the distant mountains and beautiful land!!!! I spent all day yesterday unpacking, and today I plan on going for a brisk walk at least, then enjoying the day with my family. Yesterday, I was awakened the best way ever...to those of you who have loving four year olds, you'll probably know how I felt. Shaughnessy (my little cousin) was standing over me gently petting my shoulder and said "Good morning" sweetly and with a big smile. Then she leaned over me and said "I love you" with a great big hug. Talk about a great wake-up call!! This was around 9:30 and she'd apparently been calling her parents to ask when she could wake me up. She couldn't wait! She told me on the way up here, "Are you going to stay the night?"
"Yes, probably many nights."

"Nineteen nights?"

"Yep. More."

"28 nights?"


"NINETY NINE nights!!!???"

"Probably so."

To this, she answered with a big gasping smile!!

Then she said that I would be like her big sister!!!! She's the smartest, sweetest little one I know!!!

Continue to pray for me, I have had enough time to feel a little homesick! BY THE WAY...MY CELL GETS NO SIGNAL UP HERE, SO YOU'LL HAVE TO CALL THE HOUSE!!! FELICIA, MY FAMILY, WILL, AND IAN HAVE MY NUMBER!!!! Just until I get a new cell.Love y'all!!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Goodbye For Now

Hi everyone, I'm just posting to let those of you who I may not see know that I'm moving tomorrow. It was almost a spur of the moment thing, but I'm going to stay with my Aunt Cathy in McAlester for a while. I have no idea how long I'll be gone, but it'll be at LEAST a few months. I'm going to come back to Wichita Falls, it's my home, but I need a little change, and there are some things there I feel I can learn to help me in the future. Love y'all, don't forget to pray for me!!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Brainwash Via Music

Okay, I'm a lover of all genres of music. Or, at least, I thought I was. Recently, I've re-evaluated my love of music and why I love it. Well, classical is just awesome. Instrumental jazz is fun, and I like to listen to anything that gives me a happy-go-lucky feeling. Christian and choir are the BEST!!! Uplifting God should be music's sole purpose. But the same music that used to make me happy and excited now makes me positively ill. I asked myself, why do I like rock? Well, I don't know what the answer used to be, but now I can't just say "the sound of it". A while back I slipped into a routine of listening to "bad" music. Rock, rap, whatever. Then I came up for air and breathed the holy ghost back in. I asked God to help me be able to resist the temptation of listening to stuff like that. Although I didn't realise it at the time, it DID affect me. I was flipping through the stations the other day looking for Christmas music, and I heard a rock song I used to love. So I listened to it. When I was done, I realized that I felt dirtied. Like I'd done some kind of horrible crime and I was feeling guilty. I was upset and frustrated, my temper had shortened and I was an absolute wreck for about an hour. Then, like a week later, I was at my friend's house talking to her before she went to work and she was blasting rap music. I didn't really pay much attention to it, then I caught myself singing along with a song I used to listen to alot. Apparently, I'd never listened to the words before. I felt so degraded. The lyrics were stomping women into the ground. Cursing and vulgarities were being tossed around in spades. Suddenly, it was abundantly clear. Yes, God had helped me. But He also enlightened me.
In heaven, before Satan was tossed out on his ear, he was the leader of all music. It makes PERFECT sense that he would use his one special talent to sway our very impressionable minds to his thinking, and, eventually his will.
LOOK around you, people!!! What do you see when people go to rock concerts? Mosh pits! What are they? Random people just start throwing punches, and fights progress. Anger and evil infiltrate the malleable minds of those exposing themselves to such evil. In clubs, they play rap for one reason: to get people to dance. And this ain't no ballroom dancing, classy style. It's dirty. People rubbing up on each other and getting them into a mood unfit between strangers. Which leads to pregnancies, diseases, violence, and so on. Why wouldn't Satan use this as a way to influence the paths our minds take? HE'S BRAINWASHING OUR YOUNG PEOPLE!!! HE KNOWS HIS TIME IS ALMOST UP, AND HE'S THROWING OUT ALL THE STOPS TO TAKE AS MANY OF GODS BELOVED WITH HIM!!! WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR YOUTH!!! OUR FUTURE YOUTH GROUPS NEED TO HEAR THIS NOW!!!!!!!! DON'T assume they KNOW it's "wrong"!!!! You TELL them it is and WHY!!! It 's much easier to fight an enemy you can see than if you're blindsided!!! Be blunt. Use scripture!!! Your children will be teaching MY children someday!!! They'll be the preachers and pastors for MY children!!!! I want my children to KNOW wrong from right. I want them to know why. And I want them to know how to fight it. BUCK UP!!!! FIGHT FOR them!!! They're SCREAMING FOR HELP!!! I know because I used to think that in the back of my mind a long time ago!!! Yeah, if my parents had checked my mp3 player, cds, and computer, I would've been mad!!! But, honestly, I knew it was wrong. I just didn't know how to stop myself. I was begging for it to end, I wasn't happy. but noone bothered to check. They just assumed that I "knew". STOP assuming!!! It took alot of painful situations for me to hear God trying to help me! YOU'RE supposed to be the voice of reason when you're kids are growing up. They need help, even when they don't vocalize it. I'm on my soapbox, I know!!! But, I don't want it to get harder for my kids because no one bothered with the details! LET's GO already!!!

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them DILIGENTLY unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Proverbs 22:15

Okay, I'm done now. Prayer and teachings are needed now more than ever to my generation and the next. Satan knows just how to trap children and brainwash them. I think it's fine time he get more than the occasional slap on the hand!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Wow. It's been a really long time since my last post. A lot has happened since, and I'm working on a new post. One I think is important. Just be patient and stay tuned in and I'll have it finished!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Plex and the Complex

Okay, so I was SUPPOSED to be going to TBC this semester, but I have NO clue how that's gonna happen! There have been complications and I'm not entirely sure I'll be leaving til...later. I'm not gonna say WHEN because every time I DO it doesn't work out. So...
Oh yeah, even if I DID go, Alicia and I wouldn't be roommates. Apparently there's a gal who doesn't know anyone going and she wants to room with her. So, I have no choice but to forfeit rooming with the amiable Miss Evans. I'll live. I'm sure we'll still be invading each others dorms quite a bit.

These pics were taken at the Plex during our section one lock-in this past Friday Night.(If you click on the pic it'll expand)Alicia and I in one set (with our well-deserved tiaras) and Jess and I in the other. It was lots of...fun. I got to see my Lindsey, Misheree, and Catherine. I was happy as a clam. (And sorta soggy too. Whoa, that night was muggy, even INSIDE the building)

So that's the happenings of this saddened lil' gal. All will work out for God's will. Smiles.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007